Sunday, December 23, 2012

Weary, dispirited and alone this Christmas? Here is help...

For unto us a Child is born
Unto us a Son is given

Happy Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
We remember Christ's Birthday and the joy and hope it brings us.

A candle has been lit for you.

Are you having difficulties?
Weary, dispirited and alone this Christmas?

Remember, you are not alone.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is there.
He is our ultimate Friend and Brother.

Why not turn to Him in prayer?
Ask Him to help you at this Christmas time.
He is always there; it only takes a prayer...

Please click this link for the beautiful song by Amy Grant
'Breath of Heaven' - Mary's song

*The picture of Mary of Nazareth and Jesus was drawn by
one of the children Lumiere Charity assists.
With thanks to the artist

*Link With thanks to Ms Grant, Mr Jose Tony Cortes and Youtube

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Glory to God and the Shopping Mall

Pastor Tim Burt

We give glory to God everywhere and at every moment. Pastor Tim Burt in his blog 'Fresh Manna' has given  an inspirational look into how the glory of the Lord shone through the Shopping Mall...
Please click into the following link

*With thanks to Pastor Tim
*Photograph courtesy of Pastor Tim

Monday, December 10, 2012

Broken relationships and the God of All

The peace of God passeth all human understanding

God of All,
Creator Compassionate,
All knowing, all loving God - There are many broken relationships.
Many tears are being shed

Love is returned at times by
lovelessness, scorn and
emotional cruelty

Words are sometimes used as instruments
not to heal and spread
love, but to cause
unbearable pain.

The path of 
faithfulness as prescribed in 
Holy Writings is left, and
faithlessness brings illness,
and devastated relationships in its wake.

In this world of struggle in relationships, 
Lord God,
help us to shine as beacons 
of love
to be lighthouses of caring,

Never accepting rejection from another but always returning,
forgiving, in the hope of
restoring healing and love to
our relationships.

You, our great God, are Love
Help us to be channels of 
that great love through our
humble beings
to our world.

*Photograph taken by Rev Catherine Nicolette. Please feel free to use this image copyright free for any worthy purpose

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Happy Hannukah

Happy Hannukah

The blessed Festival of Hannukah begins tonight at sundown. 
A candle has been lit by Lumiere Charity in remembrance of the Festival.
A peaceful and blessed Hannukah to all. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I was one of ten children --- Fresh Manna

I was one of ten children - number five for those of you that are curious. I loved being part of a big family. For mom, keeping ten growing children in adequate clothing was work. She did a great job by conserving money buying clothing from liquidators when possible. Some things she bought were irregulars and sometimes pieces of clothing that smelled like smoke because they were salvaged from stores that had burnt down. We got more than our fair share of irregular or slightly damaged ‘new’ clothing.

Did you know that because of the sin that is in the earth, we've all become either slightly damaged of slightly irregular? If you haven't admitted that to yourself yet, it's because you've only noticed those around you while forgetting to look in the mirror. The stain of sin in the world has left its influence and mark on each of us. Consequently, we all have quirks we manifest to others, but don't notice in ourselves. We are too busy noticing everyone else's quirks, flaws, and irregularities. Our flaws will always be a part of life. I'm so thankful for the power of the Holy Spirit to help transform us and help correct and reduce some of those flaws and irregularities. But let's be real; that transformation is sometimes slow and a very progressive and ongoing work. I haven't gotten rid of all my quirks yet. Have you?

Prov 12:16 says, “A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. “ For the most part, an insult is an intended offense although many people say insulting things without ever realizing it. Then there are all the little annoyances that aren't really an insult but they bug us like one. For example, the car that squeezes in front of you the second you allow just a little extra space on the highway. Or the person who cuts you off when you’re speaking because they weren't listening to what you were saying to begin with. Or maybe the person that you just warned twice not to do something because it would have a bad result and yet they did it anyway and the bad result happened and if affected you as well as them. If a list of things that irritate or insult people were constructed, it could be endless.
Some people let every little thing get to them. According to God's Word, that makes them foolish. "A fool shows his annoyance at once..." People that are easily and quickly annoyed have forgotten their own flaws and shortcomings. They have forgotten that they are damaged goods. That we all are!

Let me share two things that will help reduce getting quickly annoyed. First, recognize that your observation of all the annoyances that people manifest in your day will only hurt you. God's Word working in us is the only cure and hope for real heart and behavioral change. That is something that happens slowly and over time which means there will ALWAYS be plenty of flaws in the people around you and no amount of aggravation is going to change that. If you notice them all and think about them, you'll will end up with serious anger issues. You will be the fool that shows his annoyance at once. Recognize that your flaws are as obvious to others as theirs are to you! As Prov 19:11says, "A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense."
Secondly, I know that I probably irritate or rub others the wrong way whether I realize it or not. And some people at times have that effect on me without realizing it. It's seldom on purpose. When they do, what do I do with those irritations? If I don't recognize my own, I'll never find the mercy necessary to accept and navigate around those of others. So, I just take enough time to process the irritation in light of my own flaws and then overlook the offense and try to pray for the offender as often as possible. It makes life simpler, keeps my emotions balanced, and helps manifest the wisdom of God. Have mercy. Get mercy! "God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy." Matthew 5:7 (NLT)
Of course there are real things in life that we have to address and confront that are wrong and inappropriate. But that’s not the point. The point is, frequent annoyances that we allow to irritate us, often end up making us look like short-tempered, self righteous jerks – whom God calls foolish! Mercy and patience help us overlook the very things we offend others in and instead help us to be merciful and wise! This also helps us save ourselves for real issues and enables us to confront real issues in a more loving, caring, and effective way.
So when something is about to bug you, look into the mirror of your mind and see if you’ve done the same thing. Whether you have or haven’t, blow off the offenses you can and spend more time enjoying that which is good!
James 2:13 (NIV) "... judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!"
In His Love,
Pastor Tim Burt

*Blog posted here with kind permission of Pastor Tim. Why not read his great blog, 'Fresh Manna'?
See link

*Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette in beautiful Tramore


Wonderful Blessings

For the wife who says, “It’s hot dogs tonight”
For the husband who is sitting like a couch potato,
For the teenager who complains about doing the dishes
For the taxes I pay
For the mess to clean up after a party
For the clothes that fit a little too snug
For my shadow that watches me work
For a lawn that needs mowing,
Windows that need cleaning,
And gutters that need fixing
For all the complaining I hear about the government
For the parking spot I find at the far end of the lot
For my huge heating bill
For the lady sitting behind me in church, who sings off key
For the pile of laundry and ironing
For my aching muscles at the end of the work day
For the alarm that jolts me awake in the morning
And Finally, for too many emails
Live well, Laugh often, & Love with all of your heart!

*With thanks to Rev Amy Long, Universal Life Church
*Photograph of shy Cape Town flower taken by Catherine Nicolette. Please feel free to use copyright free for any worthy purpose

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happy Harvest Celebration

Today is the blessed day on which we thank Almighty God for the blessings of the Harvest.
Fruit and vegetable, grains and our needs are provided for by our Great Creator.
Men and women work throughout the year, toiling in the fields and on the farms, working together with the creative forces of Nature blessed by God to bring forth the food which nourishes us and keeps us healthy and strong.

May we remember all those who selflessly work in agriculture, dairy farming and the provision of food; it is a vocation, and essential for our community. May blessings and strength be yours, and may your families be blessed.

Many places of worship today are decorated with the colourful beauty of vegetables and fruits; plums, apples, pumpkins and turnips; wheat, tomatoes, carrots and corncobs. 

Thanks to our Heavenly Father for giving us the health and strength over the past year to bring forth this beautiful Harvest, which will keep us safe through the winter months. Let us pray for our farmers and food providers, that strength and health be theirs as they carry out their work which benefits us, the community.

In celebration of this wondrous harvest, why not click into the following link and rejoice with the glorious song 'We plough the fields and scatter' with the beautiful vocal talents of the Northallerton Methodist Choir.

*With thanks to the Northallerton Methodist Choir and Youtube

Monday, August 27, 2012

A candle has been lit in remembrance of Neil Armstrong

On July 20 1969,  as a little girl of eight years old in far off Welkom in Free State, South Africa, I can tell you exactly what I was doing. I was in the Standard One class, and Sr. Bernadette had done a most thrilling thing; she had called off the class, smuggled in a radio, and we were all clandestinely listening to the most enthralling event. A man was landing on the moon. We sat in tight awed bunches in our polished, uncomfortable wooden desks; pigtailed and school-uniformed, listening to the report of the most wondrous happening of that time.

Little did I know that history was in the making. Sister had us all learning about space travel; daily we spoke of Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins. Further missions to the moon were closely tracked by us. We had large maps hand-drawn by ourselves over the class noticeboards, with coloured pieces of wool on tin tacks tracking the movements of the Apollo missions. Our local garages gave out Apollo stickers and pictures of our heroes every time we bought petrol. Dad was constantly besieged by ourselves to drive more. Why? So that we could use petrol faster, and have to get more, together with the next prized Apollo sticker. Dad sighed.

Sr. Bernadette told us we were living in times of history, and to thank God for the wonders we were seeing. And how right she was. We had learned that it was possible for us to do the impossible; to dream the great; to move beyond the boundaries our humanity had placed before us.

It was some time before the excitement died down. When I left Standard One and went to Standard Two, it was another great year with another great teacher. However, it was quite a culture shock leaving the classroom which was dedicated to Armstrong and the Apollo teams, the plaster moon with its rings which we had made and which had the unfortunate tendency to start melting somewhat during the blistering heat of the Welkom heatwaves, for a moon-free zone in Standard Two. I soon adjusted, and Apollo became a memory.

It was years before I really understood what a wonderful time this had been, and what a great achievement had been made. The Psalmists and King David had spoken of the wonderful creation of the moon at night which lights our way. Jesus the Christ had stood and looked at the moon during his childhood, and His journeys as He preached the Word of Goodness and Light to us. I had looked at that very same moon, a free gift to everyone on earth. And now we had touched its sacred surface. I prayed blessings for all who had helped to achieve that dream. 

Years later I read a story which, in the context of my spiritual journey at the time, I found both touching and inspirational. Astronaut Aldrin took communion in the form of loaf and wine shortly after they landed, in gratitude and respect to the God Who made us. Aldrin poured the wine into the chalice, and in the one-sixth gravity of the moon, the wine slowly curled and gracefully came up the side of the cup. He then read the sacred writing from John, 'I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit.' He ate the tiny consecrated Host of loaf-bread, and swallowed the consecrated Wine. 

This story has been an inspiration to me, and as minister I have recounted it to many people. To me, it is a celebration and signature of respect by these daring and talented men on behalf of us as humanity, to the God Who made us at the moment of great growth in our journey as humanity. These three took the time before disembarking and placing the first footprint on the surface of the moon, to turn their hearts in silent gratitude and respect to the God of All. I am sure I speak on behalf of all of us who sat breathlessly listening on that memorable day in 1969, to give our condolences to the family of the great Neil Armstrong and our thanks to them for the great act of service Armstrong did for our human family. A candle has been lit by Lumiere in remembrance of Armstrong, and for his family and friends. 

*Photograph taken in the beautiful Free State by Catherine Nicolette. Please feel free to use copyright free for any worthy purpose
*Name of teacher has been changed

Friday, August 17, 2012

Love and kindness always wins

Despite the occasional first impressions,
Love always wins.
Kindness always prevails.
And smiles always warm the heart.
So keep at it -- results might take just a little longer than you think.

Reverend Amy Long, Universal Life Church

*Photo of beautifully made wooden cross taken in Ireland by Rev. Catherine Nicolette

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Special prayer for you today

Special prayer and worship service have been held for you today - if you are in desperation, lonely, sick, worried. If you are in financial difficulties. If you are a prisoner, or a victim of crime. If you are in any way in need - you have been remembered very specially before the Altar of God today. May God's blessing come upon you and yours in an abundant flood of comfort and strength to guide you through your difficulties.

Follow Jesus' example - Be Yourself

Be yourself - gloriously yourself.

Here is the secret; Jesus Christ had the insight and the courage to be Himself. A totally independent thinker, dependent on His relationship with God as Father for decisions He made and the opinions He formed.

Jesus Christ is the human incarnation of God. This does not mean that there are two Gods; there is only one God, the Almighty, the Transcendent, the Great. God, in His wisdom and mercy, saw the difficulties humanity was living within. He sent the Ten Commandments through the great Prophet Moses to attempt to ease our path through life.

These Commandments are not meant to stifle our happiness, or be a list of "Do nots" and authoritarian "No's". They are a practical list of the map of happiness for each human. Those of us who have suffered from another's straying from relationship commitment, or from murder or injury of a fiancee/loved one in war or conflict know how much long term suffering this causes. Those of us who have experienced theft have experienced the long term difficulties this can cause, and how it can change our entire lives and financial status for the worse. When the Commandments are ignored, those who suffer from the fallout know only too well the devastation lack of interest in God's balanced advice for humanity brings. 

Jesus, as the human child incarnated by God, had to learn the same lessons we did. God incarnated in humanity in order to personally experience our difficulties; and to show that following His Divine Example is both possible and preferable. God incarnated in human form due to His overwhelming love for us, His children. Jesus told us clearly that we are the sons and daughters of God when He taught us to pray to God as 'Abba' ('the Father' or 'O Father' in Aramaic).

Jesus' mission was to heal the rift between the Father of the human family and His loved children. The longing of God the Father to treasure and cherish us as His beloved children is shown in the story Jesus told about the Prodigal Son.

Jesus also came to earth to challenge the power of the ruling prince of the world, satan*, the fallen angel of darkness who is also known by various other names. Jesus clearly acknowledged the problem that satan had taken over the dominion of humanity on earth, which belongs rightfully to God. Jesus fasted in the desert and during this time experienced attempts by satan to tempt Him from His messianic path. Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. His offer was to give Jesus the power over all the earthly kingdoms he was in possession of,  if Jesus would worship him. Jesus naturally turned away from this offer.

Jesus further undid the pain and tragedy that death causes to humanity. He broke the power of satan over us, the bondage of slavery, death and deliverance to the power of satan after death which had been placed over us at the beginning of our history. This story is told in the symbolic story of Genesis, of Adam and Eve. Jesus claimed our ultimate destiny after completion of our human life cycle to be where we belong, with God as His beloved children in His Home, called by many names - Heaven~. 

So, Jesus leads the way for us, to take our destiny in our hands and decide to be our own unique selves - to form our own individual opinions and decisions. The ideal is to make our decisions only for the good and ultimately holy purpose. Let us then be free, as Jesus was in His earthly life, to be gloriously - uniquely - ourselves. 

There is only one you. There never was another you, and there never will be another you. God created you with deepest love, for a specific purpose, a mission in this life that no other can carry out. It is your choice whether you accept this challenge and put in the work to be the best individual person you can be, or whether you will fall by the wayside under the influence which has caused so much trouble to humanity since our earliest times.

What is your call? Perhaps you are meant to bring comfort, promote the sacredness of life, and alleviate suffering as a doctor, nurse or member of the health team. Perhaps you are called to tell others of God as a spiritual leader; a priest, imam, rabbi, lama, guru. You may have the calling to be a mother or father, to bring up children. You might have the call to bear a physical or mental illness, and reach your holiness through quiet hours of communion with God in your difficulty. Perhaps you are called to serve and assist your community as a plumber, engineer, teacher, sailor, volunteer. Whatever your call, and however you live it, you are not alone. God, your Father, is with you. And Jesus walks with you on your path, always there to listen, love and guide. Especially in your darkest hours.

Reach out to God and be confident to be your unique self.

You are special.

*Other names for satan are devil, iblis, al-shaytan, shaitan or lucifer

~Other names for Heaven are; 
Nirvana, Tian, Moksha, Deva Loka, Vaikuntha, Jannah, Paradise, World-to-come, Araboth, Omeyocan, Kiko-rangi, Summerland

Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette, with thanks to the glass artist for this beautiful portrayal of the great Jesus

Friday, June 22, 2012

And all each of us needs is love...

A wise nun-nurse whom I worked with years ago turned around one day to me seriously, and said,
'You know, Catherine, all each of us really needs - from every man woman and child,
to the smallest kitten - is love.'
And she was right. We can help others, have great careers, enjoy lovely families, and still 
deep down within each one of us is that need to be loved - unconditionally - just as we are.
Not as we could be. Not as others think we ought to be. Just as we are.
All of us are a work in progress. God isn't finished with us yet. 
We are not perfect, we make mistakes, and sometimes act in ways which even puzzle us.
But let us learn from our mistakes. Let us look to God to help us with His Grace to grow within our being to whom we really could be.
And let us rejoice in Jesus Christ, Who showed us the way to God.
It really is so very, very simple.
Just to love one another as God has loved us.

God loves completely; totally; without reservation.
God loves with forgiveness; understanding; pity and compassion.
God does not seek revenge.
God loves tenderly; gently; and with a Father's love for His Child.

Let us then love one another as God has loved us.
Let us rejoice in the gift of our culture, of the way we look. 
Whether we put on weight, or lose it - we are the same person. 
Whether we have the smooth skin of babyhood or maturing skin with small wrinkles as we are privileged to have a longer time on earth - we are the same person. 
Whether we have the knowledge we had at four years old, or the wisdom of long experience and many years of study or work later - we are the same person.

Let us then rejoice in our diversity; in the wondrous fact that we look different; 
have different cultures; 
different wonderful ways of worshipping God. 
And let us support each other in our unique spiritual journey towards the God Who is Love.

Reflections of Christ have a slideshow which shows wonderfully the love of Jesus for all; the same love He came on earth to encourage us to feel for each other. 
Why not take a few moments, and let the beauty of this show celebrating Jesus' love, and the beauty of our diversity bless your day.

*Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette of lovely blossoms in springtime, Ireland. Please feel free to use copyright free for any worthy purpose

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

You are always the Hand Who created me

Within my heart I rejoice in the radiance of Your Creation, O Lord our God
 You Whom we know by so many different names
   In so many cultures and parts of our wondrous globe.
     Yet in the depths of my heart, in the sanctuary of my inner being,
       You are always the Hand Who created me ...
         Who watched me blossom into being
           As beautiful in Your Sight as
              The peach blossoms graciously rejoicing
                against the soft green of the leaves
                  of their wisdom and love.

Teach me to be worthy of You, dear Lord
  Teach me to love all whom I meet
    Teach me to forgive the ungracious
      To turn the other cheek of forgiveness by not seeking revenge
        Help me to be the best I can be
          Help me to graciously accept the limitations of the intellect and body you gave me
            Help me to share the essence of my God-created being with  others
              Help me to be faithful to You.

So that I may reach out to every person in my human family across our whole globe
  That I may be a symbol of forgiveness and love to all I meet
    That I may help each one in some way
      That I may inspire the lonely
        And help the sick
          And encourage the downhearted
            And teach the student in need
              And give alms to the destitute
                And ... above all ... to seek to follow Your Way

Of forgiveness; mercy; compassion; graciousness; justice; and LOVE.

Thank You for creating me, God,
  And giving me the change to experience your wonderful world
    Let me offer you the gift of this picture; of the Japanese garden artist's gracious blooms
      Peach in colour, and soft green in background,
        As a thank you for all the gifts you have given me,
          The greatest of them the gift of life
             as a member of your human family
               created by Your Divinity

May I always praise and bless You
  May I never reject You
    May I always treat Your Name with reverence,
      O great and gracious God.

*Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Needing Reassurance? God is our Rock and Salvation

Dear God, Creator of All,

I am feeling so anxious right now. Something has happened ( . . . here tell Him what the problem is) and I am so scared. I am not sure how things will go, and I don't know what to do. I am panicking, my heart is racing, my mouth is dry and my hands feel damp. I need to take a big breath and calm down, and I just don't know how to do it. Please help me in my hour of need. Give me the calmness to face the problem, the strength to deal with it, the courage to take any steps that need to be taken.

I feel as if others do not know or appreciate how I feel, and how the situation is affecting me. Please grant me the grace to be patient with them, courteous in speech, and calm in manner. Deat God, I trust in You. Please help me at this difficult time.

Perhaps I have not turned to you before, but I'm turning to you now. I need a rock in my life, as I am in a whirlpool and don't know how to get out.

Your son / your daughter

Dear Son / Daughter,

I am thrilled you have turned to me. Of course I will help you. Look at the problem from my perspective. From all eternity I look and see that everything can be handled if people listen to each other, face up to the situation, and take step after step to deal with it. You are surely not alone. Look around you. Do you have even one friend in your situation now to whom you can turn to in order to talk about the problem?  Is there someone you can turn to for comfort, reassurance and advice? Perhaps there is a respected person in your community to whom you can go for guidance. And there is always Me - so interested in all you are doing, and in all that is happening to you. I see this situation, and truly I have many great graces; invite my Strength and Power into your life, and I will do what I can to help.

I am the Rock in your life. No matter what happens, how bad it gets, how difficult it seems, let me shoulder the burden with you. You are never alone. Dearest one, why not light a candle at
I have most certainly heard your prayer, and the symbol of your lighted candle of prayer before my sight will perhaps comfort you greatly. Let me comfort you at this difficult time. I am your Father; you are my child.  Let us work through this together.

Your loving Father God

My soul finds rest in God alone;
  my salvation comes from Him.
He alone is my Rock and my Salvation:
  He is my fortress, I will never be
                     Old Testament, Psalm 62, verses 1 and 2

My salvation  and my honour depend on 
 He is my mighty Rock, my refuge.
Trust in Him at all times, O people;
  pour out your heart to Him
  for God is our Refuge.
                    Old Testament, Psalm 62, verses 7 to 8.

Friday, May 11, 2012

A special blessing for all struggling from war

For all who are struggling from war,
From the terrors it brings -
From the results that accumulate.
From the losses we incur;
From the grieving for the husbands, fiancees, loved ones, friends we have lost and who can never be replaced on this earth,
May this special blessing be upon you; -

Heavenly God,
Keep your Great and Loving Hand over those who are affected by war and pain. Help our brothers and sisters in the human family who are struggling with the effects of past wars, or painfully undergoing a present war.

May special blessing be upon you, dear reader, at this time. May you be healed of all your trauma and sorrow. Worship services and prayers have been offered for you.

Rev. Catherine Nicolette.