Thursday, May 21, 2015

Who are the Poor?

Who are the Poor?

Poor; adjective. 'lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in society.
Needy. Needful. Underprivileged. Deprived. 
Deficient or lacking in something specified.'
- The baby in utero fulfils the qualification of poverty of being needy [of the right to life, of protection in utero, of respect for his or her or hermaphrodite personhood, of nourishment and shelter within utero]
- The baby in utero fulfils the qualification of poverty in being underprivileged [unable to independently carry out all the functions of daily living within society at this vulnerable stage of life]
- The baby in utero fulfils the qualification of being deficient or lacking in something specified, [in that the baby is deficient of full independence, and dependent upon the permission of another [the mother] to continue providing the shelter and nourishment he/she/hermaphrodite requires in order to complete development.]
- The baby in utero further fulfils the qualification of being deficient or lacking in something specified, in that eviction from his/her/hermaphrodite uterus dwelling is carried out [when done deliberately] through execution, and will lead to personal certain death. The baby in utero is deficient of the ability to sustain personal life without a gestational period of assistance.

Whatsoever is done to the poor of the land, is done unto God Himself. This we have been told by the Son of God.
'The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me.' [Matthew 25:40]

Let us therefore afford to each citizen; shelter, nourishment, respect, protection, the right to life.
Citizenship starts at conception; where there is growth, there is life.
It is essential that all who follow in the Footsteps of the Saviour through church structure do so in a spirit of absolute dedication for the poorest of the poor.
Which, in this case, includes of its very nature the poor within the womb.

Rev. Catherine

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