Sunday, June 23, 2013

For those who have Abortion Regrets; Prayer of Comfort

For those who have Abortion Regrets;
May God comfort you in your sorrow and pain.
A candle has been lit for you and for all who suffer over past abortions.
Perhaps the following prayer could bring you comfort;

'Dear God, Father of All
I take comfort in the knowledge that you know my baby as you know me.
As you knit me together in my mother's womb, so you knit my little baby.
Through circumstances and lack of full knowledge I took a decision I now no longer support.
The loss of the life of my little one(s) fills me with pain.
Please help me to come to healing and peace over this pain in my heart, as Your Son Jesus Christ brought healing to so many sufferers in His compassionate ministry while on earth.
Mary the Mother of Jesus visited Juan Diego at Guadalupe and wore a black sash which denoted in the local culture that she was pregnant.
This Mother will understand the agony I am going through.
I have shed many tears related to the abortion.
My soul and emotions have been affected.
Mary visited to witness to You, the God Who gives life and maintains its existence.
Mary promised that all those who sincerely ask for her help in their work and in their sorrows will know her Mother's heart.
She told that she would see their tears; she would console them and they would be at peace.
My heart is full of sorrow; my eyes are full of tears.
I pray for peace.

I pray that your Blessings, dear God, will pour on me and heal me.
I trust and know my little one is safe in your care, albeit my little one went to your Safekeeping earlier than Your Divine Plan had intended.
To You, the God of All, nothing is impossible.
Please bless and safekeep my little one and I will live in peace, resting safe in the knowledge that we will be reunited when I come to join you in eternity.