Sunday, May 25, 2014

Prayer for Street Pastors

Heavenly Father, we praise You. May the Name of the Lord be praised on the streets in every town and city through the work of Street Pastors as they go out in Christ's name to speak with and help those in need. May they be as Christ to all they come into contact with, showing Christ's Love and Care for them. Amen.

Father God, we thank You for the shops which grace our lives

Father God, we thank You for the opportunity to have space in our town/city where we can relax and be refreshed both physically and spiritually. We pray for those who work so tirelessly and creatively to make their shops places of beauty and harmony. We pray for the personnel who work long shifts. We pray for all those who meet there, that the conversation they have may lift their hearts and minds. Amen.

Spend some time today . . .

Spend some time today praying for those 
who have asked for your prayers.

Compassionate God, we lift to you many families who mourn

Compassionate God, we lift to you the many families who this year have celebrated the remembrance of Your Birth 
yet mourning the loss of a loved one.
Draw close to them during this Year.
Bring Your Peace into their lives.

Take Time Today

Take Time Today to just rest in God's Presence.
Listen to what He might want to share with You.
And just enjoy His Presence;
He is Wonderful!

Father God, we rejoice in the gift of this year

Father God, as we rejoice in the gift of this year, with its new opportunities and new challenges, grant us increase of trust in You our Heavenly Father.
May we abide in You and You in us.
Direct our steps according to Your Will and Purpose.
Use us as ambassadors to spread the joy of Your Kingdom.
Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your Name be the Glory; because of Your Love and Faithfulness.

Prayer for Helpers for the Poor and Vulnerable in Ireland

Christ is suffering in His People in Ireland

Prayer for Helpers for the Poor and Vulnerable in Ireland  
O God, Giver of Life, Protector of the Poor and Vulnerable, We pray that you look upon the plight of your people in Ireland and grant helpers to your beloved children of St Patrick 
in their hour of need. Amen

Street Pastors are Needed in Ireland; Is God Calling You?

Christ is suffering in His People in Ireland

A WOMAN IN ADVANCED STAGE OF PREGNANCY, her face twisted in humiliation, tears running down her face and her right hand protectively over her unborn infant within stood begging for food money. She is sleeping on the streets. There are many pregnant women sleeping on the streets in Ireland now; they, along with others, are the face of the New Poor. These are educated people who were able to sustain their families, homes and lives through hard work, worship, community and family life. A combination of factors have led to their homeless status. Among them are higher taxation, higher living costs, lowered salaries for higher hours, lack of jobs, lack of ability to access assistance as they do not qualify, rapidly increasing rents. Lumiere Charity has been working among the homeless in Ireland since 2004. T

he inundation of homeless on the streets now have become a haemmorhage of humanity. Last week alone saw gaunt mothers and fathers silently walking with infants, children; pregnant women near their time; young men unable to get jobs or access assistance beginning to starve; families with beloved family pets sleeping in the street. The face of human tragedy has become desperate in Dublin. A few weeks ago; it was raining and cold. A young man, inadequately clad, was hunting for piles of cardboard and settled himself on the ground, pulling the cardboard over himself as protection in the cold night. What made his plight particularly pitiful was both the dignity with which he carried himself, and the weeds which sprouted around his makeshift bed in the soggy rain. The piles of cardboard tidily flattened and put outside Dublin shops have become a prized commodity among the homeless, who share them out at night as their only protection against the elements. There is a rule among the homeless; the pregnant, the youngest and the oldest get the first and most pieces of cardboard. They also get the places on the street least in the way of the wind and rain. Homeless people daily club together, and pool money they have either earned through small jobs, or begged; they then buy a hostel and breakfast for the night for the most vulnerable street dwellers. Failing the funds for that, they buy food and drink for the most vulnerable; often going without themselves . . . 

A tall young gentleman stood next to a shop, laboriously counting copper coins. To see a young man so humbly trying to make the cost of a cup of tea was heartrending. In the last two weeks alone, eight people on the verge of pneumonia. They do not have the cost to access public health service. One young gentleman is slowly starving. The stories of heroism are never ending. For those starving on the street, whenever they get some funds, instead of keeping the extra for their next few days bed and board, they help others by paying for them to access a hostel, breakfast and shower. It would break your heart. The homeless have entered a grim struggle to maintain their human dignity and cleanliness. A shower at the hostel with wash and dry of clothes are often chosen above food. So you see someone spotless and clean, slowly wasting away. There is a determination not to resort to crime, or to sell the only possession they have left; themselves. Lumiere is working among the homeless. However, the scale of people becoming homeless daily has become alarming, and the age and vulnerability of many of the homeless (pregnant women near their time, young adults) has become the norm. Lumiere has heard it said that those on the streets are there because of drugs and addictions. It is true that some homeless are struggling with these issues; many of whom are trying to break the cycle of emotional heartbreak and entrapment in which they find themselves. It is also true that the face of the new poor flooding onto the streets are people who until very recently were able to fund their families and their lives, and are no longer able to do so. The reality is that the tidal wave of humanity pouring onto the streets in Ireland face an uncertain future. Without jobs, without protective shelter, without healthcare, the number of people dying will surely rise. Winter is due to come within a few months; there is deep concern among those ministering to the homeless as to what will happen then. Without jobs, without rents which hardworking and family value based families can afford, without recourse to crime or solicitation, there can be only one outcome. No income means a death sentence. 

Iis there anything you can do to help? Good Shepherd Church has a street pastor programme working on the streets. If you are a priest, why not consider donating some of your free time to working on the streets? If you are a street pastor, your ministry is desperately needed. 


Prayer for Helpers for the Poor and Vulnerable in Ireland 
O God, Giver of Life, Protector of the Poor and Vulnerable, We pray that you look upon the plight of your people in Ireland and grant helpers to your beloved children of St Patrick in their hour of need. Amen

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Prayer for Reformation

We are not a reformed people, we are a reforming people.

Prayer for Reformation
Dear Jesus, I am not perfect. I have sins, flaws, weaknesses. I also have strengths, beauty of soul, love for family and ability to grow. I need so much help to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually to be the person You meant me to become when You infused my soul into my crafted being in my mother's womb. Please give me all the help I need to become a reformed person, holy and whole in body, mind, spirit and body. Amen.

The Holy Rabbi Akiva

Tiny Stream
One day as Rabbi Akiva was shepherding his flocks, he noticed a tiny stream trickling down a hillside.
The stream dripped over a ledge as it wended towards the river below. Underneath the ledge was a large boulder, which bore a deep impression. The ongoing drip of water over the centuries had hollowed away the stone. Akiva realised that if mere water could do this to hard rock, how much more could God's Word carve a way into his heart?
The Holy Rabbi realised that if the water had flowed over the rock in one great sheet of water all at once, the rock would not have been changed at all. It was the slow but steady impact of each small droplet, year after year, that had completely transformed the stone.
Rabbi Akiva began his studies, and is the luminous Scholar and Teacher of the Word of God we remember and honour today.
I love this story. The Holy Word of God has the power to transform us in ways which we can only imagine.

Holy Word of God
Why not study the Holy Word of God? Why not read the Bible today?
When I first started seriously studying the Bible, I was seventeen.
At seventeen I felt a deep thirst to learn more about the depths of the Word of God.
I started by reading all through the Bible, from the Book of Genesis to Revelation. That took me a while.
I read for a half hour to an hour a day, depending on work commitments.
Then when I had finished, I read through it again.
I did this five or six times.
By that time, I had a steady idea of all parts of the Bible.
Then I started to do Bible courses run by Theologians to guide me.
The Word of God in the Torah and New Testament are to me like bread and something comforting to drink when I am faint with hunger. They sustain. And I can't do without them.

Why not study the Word of God?
Why not study the Bible, the Word of God, so that God leave the deep imprint of His Word and Love in your heart?

Rabbi Akiva
With thanks to
Photograph by Lumiere Volunteer Britain, used with kind permission

Prayer for Protection of Unborn Life - Prayer to St Joseph

Dear St Joseph, We honour you for your love for Mary and your refusal to allow her killing or that of the unborn child within her. Her Child turned out to be the Saviour of each one of us, and of the world. Your decision saved each one of us, as much as Mary's decision saved each one of us. In your family, Mary accepted the Child within her womb, and protected Him. And you protected the life of Mary and your unborn Son by love and adoption. You are truly great indeed. We honour you as great Saint in Heaven, and ask that you protect all who struggle with decisions to keep their babies alive and safe within their wombs. We also ask that you grant your special protection to those in the Prolife Movement who seek and pray for the end to all abortion in our world. Amen.

Joseph and the Unborn Jesus; Choosing to Protect Life

Mary and her unborn baby
In the situation of Mary and her unborn baby, Joseph had to struggle with his own dilemma; 
- Whether to obey the law of God as understood in Joseph's time, and demand the execution by stoning of mother with unborn child
- Or to follow the law of his heart and allow his love for Mary and his overwhelming respect for life to win over religious obedience and his familial and cultural obligations.

Protection of Mother and Unborn Life
In Joseph's struggle he decided to wed Mary, protect her and the unborn life, and then thereafter quietly protect them by giving them safe living away from the village. 
He further decided not to live after the wedding with Mary as husband with wife.
His heart was broken by her perceived love for another as he understood by her pregnancy.

God Incarnated, Helpless in Womb
Joseph considered himself a sinner because of his lack of obedience to the understood law of God.
And God Incarnated, helpless as all unborn babies are within the womb, was allowed to come to birth through the actions of a truly good and holy man whose life radiated love.
And thus Joseph's dilemma led to the dichotomy; it was through his disobedience to the understood religious law of the day that he was obedient to the Law of God - Thou shalt not kill.

Joseph - Protector of Unborn Life
When God chose Joseph as His father on earth, He chose well.
Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, is the Model for Protectors of Unborn Life today.

Prayer for Human Dignity

The One, True, and Holy God sent us the great Jesus Christ to show us the way to ultimate human dignity and spiritual greatness.

It is to forgive the unforgivable.
Again, and again, and again.
According to the command of our Holy God, let us continue to forgive - again, and again, and again.

He will give us the grace.

Prayer for Broken Family Relationships

When a mother is not there to support her daughter and makes her cry - 
Forgive her, Father, for she knows not what she does.

When a father turns his face away from his son and refuses help,
Forgive him, Father, for he knows not what he does.

When parents cause trouble and turn their backs on those who love them - 
Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they do.

Heavenly Father, please heal all broken relationships. Amen.

Prayer for Broken Family Relationships

Prayer for Broken Family Relationships
When a daughter insults her mother and makes her cry -
Forgive her, Father, for she does not know what she does.

When a son turns his face away from a family member's kiss,
Forgive him, Father, for he does not know what he does.

When a child causes trouble and turns her back on those who love her - 
Forgive her, Father, for she does not know what she does.

Heavenly Father, please heal all broken relationships. Amen.

Prayer for a Mother's Tears

Prayer for a Mother's Tears

Many mothers cry.
Many mothers suffer within their hearts.
Many mothers are anxious for their children.
Lord God of all, we ask in humble prayer that You bless mothers with Your Strength to continue loving even though they may feel unloved;
To continue being strong even though they may feel - and be - unsupported;
To continue praying even though they may feel hopeless;
To continue believing, even though it may seem that love will not win through; 
Because we know, Lord God, that You truly are the Great One.
You truly are the Creator.
You truly hold all things in Your Hands.

And we also know that no tear of any mother, father or family member for another is ever shed that goes unremarked by You.
We know, Lord God, that You see when a tiny bird falls to the ground; or when we call on You in prayer.
This is as sure; as the day follows the night; that You will hear a mother's prayers, and bring peace, healing, and love to every child she has raised in prayer before You.

When St Monica spoke to St Ambrose of her deep concerns for her wayward son who eventually became the luminous St Augustine, Ambrose told her; "It is not possible that the son of so many tears should perish."
With thanks to EWTN

Prayer to Help me in Bullying Situation

Prayer to Help me in Bullying Situation
Dear Jesus, I am suffering deeply inwardly. I am being treated very badly by (here bring the person/persons quietly in your heart and mind before the Lord, and place them in His Light). 
They are hurting me dreadfully by (here sit and tell the Lord quietly in your heart and mind all the things that have so deeply troubled you.)
I feel that I am (or am not) coping. Please fill my mind with your guidance as to what to do about this situation. Thank you for your strength, your compassion, your listening, your love. 
I draw on your promise where you so steadfastly told us, "Come unto me, you who are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest". Please comfort me at this time as I come before you, needing your help and support. Amen.

Prayer for Healing of Remorse for Wrong Done in the Past

If something is rising to the surface, it is ready to be healed, released or transformed.

Prayer for Healing of Remorse for Wrong Done in the Past
Dear Jesus,
I am remembering these unbearably sad times in my life.
I am dreaming of past bad memories.
Please help me to realise that these memories, these painful feelings have come up for a purpose.
Wrong was done by me. Others have suffered through my actions (or omissions).
I have suffered since, tormented by remorse for what I did.
And now, before you in humility and inner pain, I come before You to beg your forgiveness for my past actions, and to ask for Your Grace and Mercy to shine in my life.
I pray for the person (persons) (here name the persons quietly in your heart and mind before the Lord, placing them in His wondrous Light) to whom I did this wrong.
I have come to realise the damage I did, and I deeply regret my wrongdoing.
Please help those I hurt in the past, and help me never to hurt another again.
Please grant me your forgiveness and pardon for my past sin, and help me to forgive myself and to find peace and happiness within myself again.
Please help the feelings of remorse and guilt to be released from my inner self, so that I will be at peace once more within; happy and free.
Please help me not to sin again.

Knowledge of my sinfulness and reaching out in humility for healing is not an easy road, Lord. As a human being, I do not have the inner resources to be completely healed in my spirit and soul. BUT YOU HAVE.
Heal me, I beg.
Thank you, dear Lord, for your greatness, goodness and mercy to me in this time of turmoil as my inner self prepares to let go of past hurt, remorse, guilt and inner damage.

Prayer for Healing of Old Heartache

If something is rising to the surface, it is ready to be healed, released or transformed.

Prayer for Healing of Old Heartache;
Dear Jesus,
I am remembering these unbearably sad times in my life.
I am dreaming of past bad memories.
Please help me to realise that these memories, these painful feelings have come up for a purpose.
Wrong was done to me.
I have suffered.
And now, before you in humility and inner pain, I release this inner pain.
I pray for the person (persons) (here name the persons quietly in your heart and mind before the Lord, placing them in His wondrous Light) who did this terrible wrong to me.
I pray that they will come to realise the damage they did, and that they will repent of their wrongdoing.
As for me, I am ready to let go of past bitterness, pain and feelings of need for revenge.
Help these feelings to be released from my inner self, so that I will be at peace once more within; happy and free.

Forgiveness and healing are not an easy road, Lord. As a human being, I do not have the inner resources to be completely healed in my spirit and soul. BUT YOU HAVE.
Heal me, I beg.
Thank you, dear Lord, for your greatness, goodness and mercy to me in this time of turmoil as my inner self prepares to let go of past hurt and inner damage.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Prayer that gives courage

Our Task is Great, but God is Greater

A Blue Rose - Universal Life Church Seminary

A Blue Rose
Having four visiting family members, my wife was very busy, so I offered to go to the store for her to get some needed items, which included light bulbs, paper towels, trash bags, detergent and Clorox. So off I went.
I scurried around the store, gathered up my goodies and headed for the checkout counter, only to be blocked in the narrow aisle by a young man who appeared to be about sixteen-years-old. I wasn't in a hurry, so I patiently waited for the boy to realize that I was there.
This was when he waved his hands excitedly in the air and declared in a loud voice, "Mommy, I'm over here."
It was obvious now, he was mentally challenged and also startled as he turned and saw me standing so close to him, waiting to squeeze by.
His eyes widened and surprise exploded on his face as I said, "Hey Buddy, what's your name?"
"My name is Denny and I'm shopping with my mother," he responded proudly.
"Wow," I said, "that's a cool name; I wish my name was Denny, but my name is Steve."
"Steve, like Stevarino?" he asked.
"Yes," I answered.. "How old are you Denny?"
"How old am I now, Mommy?" he asked his mother as she slowly came over from the next aisle.
"You're fifteen-years-old Denny; now be a good boy and let the man pass by."
I acknowledged her and continued to talk to Denny for several more minutes about summer, bicycles and school. I watched his brown eyes dance with excitement, because he was the center of someone's attention.
He then abruptly turned and headed toward the toy section.
Denny's mom had a puzzled look on her face and thanked me for taking the time to talk with her son. She told me that most people wouldn't even look at him, much less talk to him.
I told her that it was my pleasure and then I said something I have no idea where it came from, other than by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I told her that there are plenty of red, yellow, and pink roses in God's Garden; however, "Blue Roses" are very rare and should be appreciated for their beauty and distinctiveness. You see, Denny is a Blue Rose and if someone doesn't stop and smell that rose with their heart and touch that rose with their kindness, then they've missed a blessing from God.
She was silent for a second, then with a tear in her eye she asked, "Who are you?"
Without thinking I said, "Oh, I'm probably just a dandelion, but I sure love living in God's garden."
She reached out, squeezed my hand and said, "God bless you!" and then I had tears in my eyes.
May I suggest, the next time you see a BLUE ROSE, don't turn your head and walk off. Take the time to smile and say Hello. Why? Because this mother or father could be you. This could be your child, grandchild, niece or nephew. What a difference a moment can mean to that person or their family.
From an old dandelion!
Posted with kind permission of Rev Amy Long, Universal Life Church Seminary 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Good Shepherd Church; Worship and Rosary being Prayed

Good Shepherd Church is going into Worship now.
Prayer will be offered;
- for those who have undergone abortion
- for those who have undergone abortion online
- for the repose of the soul of deceased child allegedly aborted and procedure posted online
- for those who have undergone abortion procedure on sea
- for the repose of the souls of deceased children through abortion procedures on sea
- for change of heart for abortionists
- for abortion workers leaving the industry
- for those who suffer post-abortion regret; that the Lord may bring them peace of soul and  heart, forgiveness of self and joyful reunion with their child/children in the blessed afterlife to come
- for euthenised children and adults
- for change of heart for those offering euthanasia
- for those who have died in embryo during experimentation
- for change of heart for those carrying out embryo experimentation 
- for sidewalk counsellors worldwide
- for the end to Abortion; prayer under the Mantle of Our Lady, Mother of Jesus Christ
- for girls abducted in Nigeria; for their safety and release

Blessings be on you all.
Why not pray the Rosary with us?