Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Follow Jesus' example - Be Yourself

Be yourself - gloriously yourself.

Here is the secret; Jesus Christ had the insight and the courage to be Himself. A totally independent thinker, dependent on His relationship with God as Father for decisions He made and the opinions He formed.

Jesus Christ is the human incarnation of God. This does not mean that there are two Gods; there is only one God, the Almighty, the Transcendent, the Great. God, in His wisdom and mercy, saw the difficulties humanity was living within. He sent the Ten Commandments through the great Prophet Moses to attempt to ease our path through life.

These Commandments are not meant to stifle our happiness, or be a list of "Do nots" and authoritarian "No's". They are a practical list of the map of happiness for each human. Those of us who have suffered from another's straying from relationship commitment, or from murder or injury of a fiancee/loved one in war or conflict know how much long term suffering this causes. Those of us who have experienced theft have experienced the long term difficulties this can cause, and how it can change our entire lives and financial status for the worse. When the Commandments are ignored, those who suffer from the fallout know only too well the devastation lack of interest in God's balanced advice for humanity brings. 

Jesus, as the human child incarnated by God, had to learn the same lessons we did. God incarnated in humanity in order to personally experience our difficulties; and to show that following His Divine Example is both possible and preferable. God incarnated in human form due to His overwhelming love for us, His children. Jesus told us clearly that we are the sons and daughters of God when He taught us to pray to God as 'Abba' ('the Father' or 'O Father' in Aramaic).

Jesus' mission was to heal the rift between the Father of the human family and His loved children. The longing of God the Father to treasure and cherish us as His beloved children is shown in the story Jesus told about the Prodigal Son.

Jesus also came to earth to challenge the power of the ruling prince of the world, satan*, the fallen angel of darkness who is also known by various other names. Jesus clearly acknowledged the problem that satan had taken over the dominion of humanity on earth, which belongs rightfully to God. Jesus fasted in the desert and during this time experienced attempts by satan to tempt Him from His messianic path. Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. His offer was to give Jesus the power over all the earthly kingdoms he was in possession of,  if Jesus would worship him. Jesus naturally turned away from this offer.

Jesus further undid the pain and tragedy that death causes to humanity. He broke the power of satan over us, the bondage of slavery, death and deliverance to the power of satan after death which had been placed over us at the beginning of our history. This story is told in the symbolic story of Genesis, of Adam and Eve. Jesus claimed our ultimate destiny after completion of our human life cycle to be where we belong, with God as His beloved children in His Home, called by many names - Heaven~. 

So, Jesus leads the way for us, to take our destiny in our hands and decide to be our own unique selves - to form our own individual opinions and decisions. The ideal is to make our decisions only for the good and ultimately holy purpose. Let us then be free, as Jesus was in His earthly life, to be gloriously - uniquely - ourselves. 

There is only one you. There never was another you, and there never will be another you. God created you with deepest love, for a specific purpose, a mission in this life that no other can carry out. It is your choice whether you accept this challenge and put in the work to be the best individual person you can be, or whether you will fall by the wayside under the influence which has caused so much trouble to humanity since our earliest times.

What is your call? Perhaps you are meant to bring comfort, promote the sacredness of life, and alleviate suffering as a doctor, nurse or member of the health team. Perhaps you are called to tell others of God as a spiritual leader; a priest, imam, rabbi, lama, guru. You may have the calling to be a mother or father, to bring up children. You might have the call to bear a physical or mental illness, and reach your holiness through quiet hours of communion with God in your difficulty. Perhaps you are called to serve and assist your community as a plumber, engineer, teacher, sailor, volunteer. Whatever your call, and however you live it, you are not alone. God, your Father, is with you. And Jesus walks with you on your path, always there to listen, love and guide. Especially in your darkest hours.

Reach out to God and be confident to be your unique self.

You are special.

*Other names for satan are devil, iblis, al-shaytan, shaitan or lucifer

~Other names for Heaven are; 
Nirvana, Tian, Moksha, Deva Loka, Vaikuntha, Jannah, Paradise, World-to-come, Araboth, Omeyocan, Kiko-rangi, Summerland

Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette, with thanks to the glass artist for this beautiful portrayal of the great Jesus

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