Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I was one of ten children --- Fresh Manna

I was one of ten children - number five for those of you that are curious. I loved being part of a big family. For mom, keeping ten growing children in adequate clothing was work. She did a great job by conserving money buying clothing from liquidators when possible. Some things she bought were irregulars and sometimes pieces of clothing that smelled like smoke because they were salvaged from stores that had burnt down. We got more than our fair share of irregular or slightly damaged ‘new’ clothing.

Did you know that because of the sin that is in the earth, we've all become either slightly damaged of slightly irregular? If you haven't admitted that to yourself yet, it's because you've only noticed those around you while forgetting to look in the mirror. The stain of sin in the world has left its influence and mark on each of us. Consequently, we all have quirks we manifest to others, but don't notice in ourselves. We are too busy noticing everyone else's quirks, flaws, and irregularities. Our flaws will always be a part of life. I'm so thankful for the power of the Holy Spirit to help transform us and help correct and reduce some of those flaws and irregularities. But let's be real; that transformation is sometimes slow and a very progressive and ongoing work. I haven't gotten rid of all my quirks yet. Have you?

Prov 12:16 says, “A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. “ For the most part, an insult is an intended offense although many people say insulting things without ever realizing it. Then there are all the little annoyances that aren't really an insult but they bug us like one. For example, the car that squeezes in front of you the second you allow just a little extra space on the highway. Or the person who cuts you off when you’re speaking because they weren't listening to what you were saying to begin with. Or maybe the person that you just warned twice not to do something because it would have a bad result and yet they did it anyway and the bad result happened and if affected you as well as them. If a list of things that irritate or insult people were constructed, it could be endless.
Some people let every little thing get to them. According to God's Word, that makes them foolish. "A fool shows his annoyance at once..." People that are easily and quickly annoyed have forgotten their own flaws and shortcomings. They have forgotten that they are damaged goods. That we all are!

Let me share two things that will help reduce getting quickly annoyed. First, recognize that your observation of all the annoyances that people manifest in your day will only hurt you. God's Word working in us is the only cure and hope for real heart and behavioral change. That is something that happens slowly and over time which means there will ALWAYS be plenty of flaws in the people around you and no amount of aggravation is going to change that. If you notice them all and think about them, you'll will end up with serious anger issues. You will be the fool that shows his annoyance at once. Recognize that your flaws are as obvious to others as theirs are to you! As Prov 19:11says, "A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense."
Secondly, I know that I probably irritate or rub others the wrong way whether I realize it or not. And some people at times have that effect on me without realizing it. It's seldom on purpose. When they do, what do I do with those irritations? If I don't recognize my own, I'll never find the mercy necessary to accept and navigate around those of others. So, I just take enough time to process the irritation in light of my own flaws and then overlook the offense and try to pray for the offender as often as possible. It makes life simpler, keeps my emotions balanced, and helps manifest the wisdom of God. Have mercy. Get mercy! "God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy." Matthew 5:7 (NLT)
Of course there are real things in life that we have to address and confront that are wrong and inappropriate. But that’s not the point. The point is, frequent annoyances that we allow to irritate us, often end up making us look like short-tempered, self righteous jerks – whom God calls foolish! Mercy and patience help us overlook the very things we offend others in and instead help us to be merciful and wise! This also helps us save ourselves for real issues and enables us to confront real issues in a more loving, caring, and effective way.
So when something is about to bug you, look into the mirror of your mind and see if you’ve done the same thing. Whether you have or haven’t, blow off the offenses you can and spend more time enjoying that which is good!
James 2:13 (NIV) "... judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!"
In His Love,
Pastor Tim Burt

*Blog posted here with kind permission of Pastor Tim. Why not read his great blog, 'Fresh Manna'?
See link

*Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette in beautiful Tramore


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