Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Miraculous Medal and Emblems of Belief

 I WAS RECENTLY told of a child who, years ago, had been called up in Assembly in a Christian School and ordered to remove her religious devotional emblem of belief; the Miraculous Medal.

My question is; why?
As the humbled and broken people after the Fall, we are remarkably tactile by nature.
Little items of devotion, various rituals of spirituality, help us in our search back towards God from Whose Gentle Hands we originally came.

In my travels I have seen a gentleman proudly wearing his turban and beard while travelling in a train. 
He looked magnificent, and his devotion to a higher way of life caused me to pause a moment and pray.

I have seen Buddhist Wheels of Prayer and Prayer Flags fluttering in the wind.
I have seen Temples of devotion where the Holy Buddha was represented, Three Faces with Three Expressions so luminously serene and beautiful that my heart was struck.

I have heard Temple Bells struck as prelude to prayer, seen devoted Priests minister to their Followers.
Holy Temples with Worshippers dedicatedly praying with utmost devotion inspired me to spend time in prayer.

So why should Christians be shy about wearing an Emblem denoting their faith in God and His Blessed Mother?
In the early Church, a Fish was the symbol of the Way.
Eventually the Cross became an acknowledged sign of Christianity.
Over the years, other aids to devotional prayer such as the Rosary, the Miraculous Medal, the Brown Scapular, Paintings and Sculptures depicting Jesus and the Saints have helped to inspire many on their spiritual path, and to bring comfort in times of trouble.

We are a global village of nations with different cultures, customs and genders.
Yet we are all on the same path - walking towards the day our personal earthly sojourn ends and we enter the hereafter.

So whether Prayer Wheels, Dedicated Prayer Shawls, Devotional Garb, Rosary beads or Miraculous Medals, let us rejoice in our devotion to the spiritual path towards the Everlasting Light and not deny the riches and solace of devotional items to our pilgrim children.

The Miraculous Medal

With thanks to Youtube

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